Freelancing websites are where you can advertise your skills and buyers post their work. Creating an account at freelancing websites is very easy and FREE. Just go to this page and create an account on one or more sites. If you have not already please read this general information about earning online . Here are few thing too keep in mind when creating an account. Use a professional email address Use professional username. Avoid name such as cutePrincess, RajaOfRawalpindi, and Batman2004 Provide as much information as possible Upload a professional looking photo One you have complete your profile do the following. Complete your profile Provide complete details of your education. Provide detail of your previous projects/ work in portfolio section. Upload CV, pictures of your work and provide links. Take skill tests related to your skills Bid, Bid, and Bid on projects This is the important and difficult part of online earning. Buyers post pro...
Freelancing is becoming a major way of earning in Pakistan and Pakistani freelancers are getting work form All over the world. Freelancing in Pakistan provides tutorials, FAQs and tips for successful freelancing.